We do not offer a warranty on our leather goods. This does not impact your statutory rights and your right to return a strap or accessory to us, if you are dissatisfied with your purchase.
Though every effort has been made to accommodate a wide range of watches, some our of straps of accessories may not be suitable for your timepiece. For example, not all spring bars will fit securely to all watch cases. We expressly exclude any liability, on our part, in the event of damage to your watch, should it become detached from its strap during wear.
Please be aware that any attempt to change a strap could result in unintended damage to your watch case or buckle. We cannot be held responsible for any attempt to fit a strap which is incorrectly sized for your timepiece.
Watch straps should be checked regularly to ensure they remain fully intact, particularly with quick-release spring bars, where the material is thinner on one side. Similarly, watch cases should be checked to ensure their inner holders and fasteners are free of defects and deterioration, outside of general wear and tear.
All of our leather goods are handmade products, where no two are identical. As a result, small cosmetic and size differences can be expected.